EQUINA Concept

EQUINA as individual as your horse

Every horse owner is concerned about ensuring the long-term health and performance of his horse.

Feeding plays a central role in this. But feeding isn't a lottery. And the horse's health is uncompromising. Neither is EQUINA !

The range of supplementary feeds for horses is endless and confusing. And not everything offered is useful or capable of promoting the horse's health and performance.

Successful feeding requires:

  1. High-quality biological feed and nutrients, which in their composition have high bioavailability and therefore effectiveness with the best acceptance.
  2. The composition of all feeds used should be adapted to the horse’s individual physiological needs.
  3. The overall care must be tailored to the horse's needs. Inexpert treatment, such as "a little of this" or "a little of everything," will not lead to success.

EQUINA Concept

No two horses are alike. A foal has different nutritional requirements than a sport horse or a broodmare. In addition, the horse often has individual problems and specific needs.

EQUINA is not just a feed series, but a well-thought-out and coherently designed nutritional system. EQUINA supplemental feeds can be combined with one another and build upon one another. Nutritional gaps are eliminated in a high-quality, biologically sound way, starting from the foal's limbs.

From 30 years of experience in the use of feedstuffs, it has been shown that the total requirements of the horse can be determined in 3 steps:

  • Step 1 Basic supply = Optimize the basic feed
  • Step 2 Power supply = Cover the additional demand for performance optimization
  • Step 3 Individual needs = Solve any special problems of the horse

And this is what it looks like in detail:

Step 1: Basic care   EQUINA Meganutril 

It all starts with forage optimization. This is the platform upon which everything else is built!

Even the highest quality basic feeds (oats, hay, pasture, mare's milk, etc.) can no longer meet a horse's total nutritional needs. Furthermore, storage leads to further degradation of the nutrient content.

Optimizing the basic feed with minerals, trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, etc. is the first and daily task—the horse's daily bread, so to speak. This is intended to ensure a balanced supply of nutrients. It essentially forms the foundation of the horse's nutrition.

Step 2: The power supply    EQUINA Myofortil

Leisure and performance horse: physical performance, condition, etc.

When we ask more of our horses they have specific nutritional requirements. EQUINA is formulated to meet these needs, helping to achieve optimal performance and maintain health.

Step 3: Individual care    EQUINA Artisol, EQUINA Immunopro, EQUINA Keragard

Many horses have special problems (hooves, respiratory tract, joints, etc.), but illnesses can also make it necessary to adjust feeding accordingly.

EQUINA offers problem-oriented and biologically high-quality solutions.